As one of Europe’s largest economies, Italy is home to a leading international financial centre in Milan and many successful family-owned businesses throughout the whole country.
It has become one of the main jurisdictions for the relocation of wealthy global families due to a very competitive lump-sum tax regime for new residents.
Whether your interests in the Italian market are personal or business related, our Milan office and wider Italy Desk provide a gateway to the full range of our services and offices for Italian clients.
We have Italy desk lawyers across our offices and practices, many of whom are bilingual and dual-qualified. Our personal and professional insight combined with our legal expertise means you’ll get a complete perspective on the Italian market.
Whether you’re a family-owned business, entrepreneur, HNWI or start-up, we will get to know you to understand your ambitions and needs. We can also support your corporate requirements with experience across a range of sectors including art and luxury, retail, technology, and banking.
The team has particular expertise advising on:
Italian tax structuring
- We work with clients on creating trusts or holding structures, establishing family offices, and structuring philanthropic activities. Our trust law and tax law (Italian and foreign) expertise allows us to assist Italian families with the creation of trusts regulated by English law or the law of main offshore jurisdictions. We can also assist foreign trustees in relation to the transfer of settlors or beneficiaries to Italy or the acquisition of Italian assets.
Global mobility of HNWIs
- We advise HNWIs relocating to Italy under the lump sum tax regime (or other regimes to attract the transfer of residence to Italy). This advice covers not only the Italian tax aspects, but also the Italian immigration and estate planning aspects.
- We also work with HNWIs relocating from Italy to the UK, Switzerland, Dubai, Hong Kong or Singapore from a tax, immigration, estate planning perspective.
- Trust and estate litigation: We act for private individuals, family businesses, trustees (both individuals and trust companies) and other fiduciaries, such as executors, protectors, deputies and attorneys.
- Funds structuring: our team in Luxembourg advise Italian clients on the structuring, formation, distribution and on-going operation of various types of investment vehicles
- Cross-border family and children matters. with Italian-speaking specialist family lawyers in our London and Swiss offices advising on all areas of family law, adult and child protection and proceedings.
- Corporate transactions including multi-jurisdictional transactions, advisory projects and cross-border disputes in the UK, Europe, Middle East and Asia for Italian companies.
When you need specialist advice we cannot offer in-house, we partner with leading Italian law firms, both full-service firms and boutiques, to provide clients with a bespoke team working as one across borders.