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The Firm is committed to offering an equitable workplace where individuals are able to thrive and develop.

As a signatory of the Valuable 500 we have made a pledge to ensure disability inclusion is a regular item on our management agenda and that we will continue to drive change to provide better support, inclusion and awareness for colleagues, candidates and clients who are living with a disability.

Our CAPability Committee meet regularly and focus not just on how we can improve our disability inclusion, but also on initiatives that support mental health and wellbeing, more details regarding these initiatives can be found on the Mental Health and Wellbeing page.

Some of our initiatives to support disability inclusion include:

  • Training for our HR team and our staff on neurodiversity; this was also provided to clients
  • Shared experiences by individuals living with a disability
  • Software to help individuals with dyslexia
  • Hearing loops available in our meeting rooms and additional portable hearing loops available

The Firm introduced a Carers Network in 2017 for anyone with caring responsibilities or anyone who may need support or care. It can be difficult to know where to start in finding support both financially and practically when in a caring situation, whether that happens suddenly or over time, and the Carers Network aims to provide a supportive ear, practical information and to assist in any other way needed.

If you are someone living with a disability and you are attending one of our offices, please let us know (preferably in advance of your visit) if there are any adjustments or support that we can provide to improve your visit to our office. You can liaise with your point of contact at the firm, or by emailing our Recruitment Team if you are attending an interview/assessment centre or by contacting the Firm’s Health & Safety Advisor, Jenni Hoang.

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