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Oliver Cooper

Policy Lead

Oliver advises on international law, specialising in tax, trade, and financial services.



Oliver advises governments and private clients on international regulations and trends in tax, trade, and financial services.  His work specialises in advising on international tax reform, economic substance, and related market access issues.

Oliver speaks and writes regularly on international regulation and tax matters, particularly as they affect small jurisdictions.  He has extensive experience in public policy in the United Kingdom and European Union.


  • Advising the International Financial Centres Forum, a not-for-profit trade body representing the major investment-facilitating legal and professional services firms in British territories, on tax and financial services regulatory matters.
  • Advising several governments globally on tax reforms to bring their tax systems into line with international standards, and representing governments in negotiations with the European Union.
  • Advising a Canadian multinational client on the impact of international tax reform and economic substance requirements in multiple jurisdictions.
  • Advising an American corporate client on public procurement in the European Union.

Our thinking

  • Removal from EU tax blacklist: what this means for British Virgin Islands

    Oliver Cooper

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