Claire Fallows writes for New Civil Engineer on how developers can navigate Biodiversity Net Gain in 2025
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) was introduced by the Conservative government via the Environment Act, a requirement to enhance existing habitats or create new habitats alongside new development, as a proxy for biodiversity improvement, that was intended to help address the decline in nature and species.
A condition is now automatically imposed on most new planning permissions (there are limited exceptions) requiring developers to provide a mandatory net gain of 10% compared to pre-development habitat assessments. The gain is measured in biodiversity units using a statutory metric tool which considers the size, quality, location and type of on-site habitats. Authorities can require developers to provide gains in excess of 10% through their local plans.
Claire Fallows, Partner and Head of Planning, explains in an article for New Civil Engineer that BNG is still causing significant headaches for many developers. She gives views and advice on how they can address the issue and manage associated challenges in 2025.
Read the full article in New Civil Engineer here.