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The Telegraph quotes Sarah Jane Boon on potential issues around Labour’s pledge to levy VAT on private school fees

Labour’s pledge to levy VAT on private school fees could pose particular problems for divorced or separated parents.

Sarah Jane Boon, Family Partner, observes that parents are already having a conversation about their child's schooling arrangements and the associated costs:

I’m seeing already parents having that conversation about their child remaining in private school, but potentially a less expensive private school.

So your child may be boarding, and they say well could they still be a boarder?

Or a central private school might be more expensive than one in the home counties, so they might be thinking about whether that’s an affordable move.

Sarah adds that the Labour policy might have the unintended impact of placing greater pressure on the family courts, as many separated parents are committed to court-imposed obligations to privately educate their children as part of their divorce.

Read the full piece in The Telegraph here.

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